Is it Good Time to Invest in Equit Mutual Funds (High Risk, High Reward).

Equity Markets are volatile. They have been volatile in the past and they will remain volatile in the future. This means that that there would be days that markets are up and days when markets would be down. No one knows whether the markets would be down or up the next day. But it is much easier to predict the long term trends.

No matter markets follow upward trend over long period of time.

Warren Buffet, the richest guy in world and Investment guru who started investing at age of 11, says "It's impossible to lose money in Stock Market if your investment span is over long period of time"

In my opinion common investors should do the following to create long term wealth for themselves.

1.) Invest in Equities through Mutual Funds. If you are not an expert then leave the job to one. There is no point in wasting your time and money on Tips, half bake knowledge

2.) Invest systematically into equity mutual funds through SIPs.

3.) Invest for the long term. Do not invest money into equity with less than 5 year horizon.

4.) Invest consistently. Do not stop your SIP even if the markets correct. Actually thats the time when you will buy equity at a lower price.

5.) Do not invest all your money into equity: Keep the right asset allocation. this is as per the old adage “Do not keep all your eggs in the same basket”

6.) Take help from good investment advisers to choose the right funds and strategies. the advise can create better returns for you. They will also make it more convenient for you to manage your investments better, avoid stupid mistakes.

Top Equity Mutual Funds based on their historical annual returns. (Last 10 years performacnce)

Above data shows that over period of 10 years these funds out performed other funds of same class.

1- Alflah GHP Stock Fund (866.19%)
2- ABL Stock Fund (733%)
3- Alflah GHP Alpha Fund (601%)
4- AKD OF (561%)
5- MCB PSM (359%)

So, if you've invested 1 lac in Alflah GHP Stock Fund 10 years ago by now your amount would've grown up-to 9 lac.
Again previous data does not proof that same fund will generate exact returns in future but it do shows how it has performed in past.

Market these days:

Due to change in Government and policies and growing debt market is down but its expected to bounce back soon.

So is it the right time to invest?
Why? because you can buy more units at low price. 

Want to start Investing, now? 

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I'd personally recommend Isave for those who are new since it's easy to use and get yourself register with.

Happy Investing!



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