Is it wise to invest in a mutual fund?

One of the biggest difference between the wealthy and the less wealthy is that wealthy people earn interest and less wealthy people pays interest. To reach true financial independence ,you need to have your money begin to work for you. Basically “you shouldn't work for money ,money should work for you “ . There are many ways where you can make your money to work for you. Compounding money is one of the tool which will help your money to work for you . There are various way to compound your money and one can compound her money by putting it in fixed deposit in any bank without taking any risk at 6% interest rate. But think how much time it will take to double your money . Just don't think about doubling also think about the time duration it is taking .so it's not a good decision to put all your money in FD. But that doesn't mean you should not put money in FD. FD is the safest way to compound and during emergency you can easily take out . Let's discuss abo...